Tuesday, May 26, 2009

London BUPA 10K race

Ran the BUPA 10k today.

The route was within the city, and goes past some key London tourist spots. Good atmosphere, well organised if a bit overzealous on some fronts (like refusing to let us jump the barrier of the pen to make a quick and desperately needed last-minute pee break...)

Our own timing indicated about 62 minutes, but I am still waiting for the official results to come in.

Shaved off a few seconds from the Finsbury Park run, but didn't realise my goal of breaking the 60-minute mark today.

Best part, Ray came to support me so that was just fantastic. It's really so uplifting to have someone there cheering you on (even if he's not right at the finishing line but after...)

I did, however, make a toilet stop and I did have cramps at the 4-km mark, so I will keep my chin up, keeping plodding, do more hills and pray for the best!

Signed up for another 10k end June to keep up the motivation. A hilly one - I don't expect to realise my 10K dream just yet but I thought a different terrain might be a nice change.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday 11 May

Ran a short one, only 4.7km. Rubbish.

Still painful

8.5 km 0ver 65 minutes, took THREE breaks URGH!

But I did 7 rounds of hill training in Greenwich Park... The short one, but at the end of the run.

I wonder if I am gonna be able to complete the 10K next week?!!!!!!!!1