Thursday, September 22, 2005

Whining about Winos - An MSN conversation

Diana says:
here I am, what's up?;)
Diana says:
just bk from a jog;)
chicklet says:
Yeah, need to bitch about someone I met last night!
chicklet says:
You shd have been there!
Diana says:
who who who?????
chicklet says:
Was at a wine tasting event - which as you know is often full of snooty people. I think I met the ultimate last night!
chicklet says:
He was some editor of a food mag, and CHINESE.
chicklet says:
Now, get this: He kept going on about how he's an ANGLOphile
Diana says:
what is an anglophile?
chicklet says:
and his parents were wine lovers so he started to taste wine at the age of 5
chicklet says:
Anglophile means someone who's Chinese but dying to be angmoh hahaha
chicklet says:
no lah, someone who loves everything British
Diana says:
then wat happened?
chicklet says:
so anyway, he went on and on abt how he studied in UK blahblahblah
chicklet says:
How TEN years ago he hung out in Sloane Street (v hip)
chicklet says:
and women were drinking vodka and mixed drinks
chicklet says:
but in Singapore women are behind trend.
chicklet says:
but at least are finally appreciating champagne (we were at champagne tasting)
chicklet says:
then the ultimate was he said that only women in the upper class knew how to appreciate champagne
chicklet says:
because they were able to afford it
Diana says:
that is fei hua!
chicklet says:
and to top it off, he was bragging about hunting game in AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chicklet says:
like how they wd drink champagne at 7am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chicklet says:
sorry ah, but KNNB! (I have been reading too much rockson)
chicklet says:
to put it in context, think of the Japanese store at our canteen - you know the tall fella?
chicklet says:
you picturing him?
Diana says:
yea yea, i rem him;)
chicklet says:
ok, now picture him shorter.... with an even severe BMT haircut and black glasses
chicklet says:
You got the "ADD_DEE_TERR" (editor)
chicklet says:
sheesh................ i was dying to say something. wish you were there to Sino-phile him a bit ;)
chicklet says:
Maybe because the event started late and there was no food, but man did this guy get my goat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chicklet says:
I am open to Caucasian ideas and culture as you can guess but man do I hate those who pretend they ARE angmoh. tak boleh tahan
chicklet says:
So I was stuck at this wonderful tasting having to listen to this jerk deny his Chinese blood
chicklet says:
I wished you were there to wa-lab him
chicklet says:
Then the guy talking abt the champagne was rambling, and half the time I didn't know what the hell he was saying (and I thought myself quite used to it hahaha)
chicklet says:
so instead of sipping a bit from the five glasses, I drank the whole bloody lot! Even the one that I didn't like!
chicklet says:
lucky they were not full glasses
chicklet says:
funny thing is, someboy from another wine event had wanted to introduce me to this magazine so I could write for them! thank god. I'd slit my throat if I'd to take more of his wannabe angmoh crap
Diana says:
is he drunk or what?
chicklet says:
no! that would have helped!
chicklet says:
so instead, I got drunk
Diana says:
why dun he migrate n live in GREAT Britain then?
Diana says:
chicklet says:
between having to listen to him and the French winemaker - who could blame me?!
Diana says:
maybe because he is on a mission to come back to singapore and teach us lower class types to how 'really live' like cultured humans and not animals
chicklet says:
what a pompous twat
chicklet says:
then there was this girl who worked for the wine shop - pretty and nice boobs. I was quite jealous until I heard the words "the music of the champagne bubbles" spill out of her mouth!
chicklet says:
wah lan eh
chicklet says:
bimbo alert
chicklet says:
I felt way better abt myself then
Diana says:
told u already, some pretty gers can't speak properly one...only nice to see...
chicklet says:
don't know where she copied that over-the-top line from. Probably the angmoh wannabe editor's magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diana says:
but bcos men are stupid, so good for bimbos lah
chicklet says:
Hmm, now that I think of it, this is great blog fodder. I shd know learn how to type in entries for now.
chicklet says:
I got a blog, but don't know to put up text hahaha
Diana says:
u not enuff writing n editing to do ah?

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